Short: RTG datatype picture viewer Author: Timm S. Müller Type: gfx/show Version: v1.07 Requires: os3.0 (v39), 68020/68881, guigfx.library, render.library, mysticview.library MysticView RTG datatype picture viewer features -------------------------------------- - independent from display hardware: displays every picture on any screen mode, resolution and color depth, including hicolor, truecolor and HAM. - scaling and aspects: automatically scales images to the window's dimensions, with respect to the aspect ratios of both the screen and the picture. - display quality: features highly elaborated color quantization and rendering. automatically uses dithering when needed. - user friendly: has a nice button bar, features intelligent selection of screenmodes, displaymodes, windowsizes and -positions, won't annoy you with changing screens and windows. - integrated: MysticView is a commodity, and it's fully integrated to your workbench. simply drag'n'drop pictures, directories, configurations and lists to its window or appicon, or launch configurations and lists with a double-click. - list management: MysticView has got a few, but yet powerful functions to manage picture lists. - asynchronous and modular: uses massive internal multitasking for loading, rendering, scanning, interaction, etc. get the full benefit from the best 68k and PPC datatypes around. - picture caching: uses intelligent picture preloading and caching. watch entire slideshows from memory. - highly configurable: has got innumerous configuration details to suit your personal taste. requirements -------------------------------------- minimum: - os3.0 (v39) - 68020, 68881 - mysticview.library v5 - guigfx.library v16 - render.library v30 - datatypes.library v39 minimum recommended: - 68040/25 - 16mb fast memory - datatypes.library v43 supported: - os3.1 (v40) - higher processors - cybergraphics, picasso96 - newicon.library v40 - neuralnet.library v5 (for the AUTODISPLAYMODE feature)